Where Can I Serve?

There are countless ways to serve our church and community at BCC.  Join us in one of the life-giving Ministries BCC has to offer like the Care team, invest in the lives of children, teens, or adults, support missionaries serving God around the globe, restocking our 24-hr. food pantry, plug into monthly opportunities for service and outreach, or share your own unique passions with us, and lead a brand-new ministry from the ground up!  

A WEEK in the Life of BCC

Sunday School for all ages: 9AM
Worship: 10am
Pre-K Playgroup: 10am-12pm
Senior Lunch Bunch: 11:30am on first Tuesday of the month.
Ladies Bible Study: 1pm
Youth & Kids Worship on Wednesdays: 5:30pm-7pm
Worship in the Round: 6pm-7:30pm

How Can I Grow?

By investing fully in the life of BCC, you will have many opportunities to grow in your walk with Christ and in friendship with others in the BCC family.   Plug into an Adult Discipleship Class on Sunday mornings.  Join a small group gathering for fellowship, prayer, and devotion during the week.  Participate in weekly Bible Studies, and occasional retreats and special conferences.  Come on Sunday mornings ready to encounter the Living God. He is moving in our midst!