Youth Ministry

Junior High and High School students gather from 5:30-7pm on Wednesday evenings in The Fort.  We enjoy a full dinner, games, and an engaging Bible Study. We also have monthly events for fun, service, and spiritual growth. Each summer our youth go to Black Diamond camps to grow deeper in their faith through an interactive outdoor experience.   

Sunday School

An Adult Discipleship Class taught by Debbie Bilderback meets at 9am on Sunday mornings. This class is currently walking through the life of Jesus with an in-depth look into the Gospels. 
A second Adult Sunday school is also held in The Great Room each Sunday at 9am. The topic will change every few weeks so keep your eyes peeled for the new study!
Children gather for Spark Sunday School at 9am, where they enjoy snacks, songs, and an engaging, interactive Bible Story!
Youth Sunday School also meets at 9am.  They enjoy breakfast snacks and an engaging Bible study. 

Discipleship Groups

Thursdays are Growing Together days at BCC!
Worship in the Round is a soul reset meeting in the middle of the week to really search for Gods heart. Meeting 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.
Small groups are also another great way to grow deeper in your faith within community. Groups of 5-9 meet at leaders’ homes for a meal and deep conversation about the topics given.
Sign up to be a part of the discussions & meet new likeminded people! 

Children’s Ministry

Mondays are for Pre-K! Each Monday local parents from the area come together at BCC at 10am to create a community of friends among their preschoolers. This is a fun, engaging place where a child can safely play among their peers. Stop in on a Monday and check it out!
Each Wednesday of the month the kids ages pre-k to 5th grade joins our youth for a full meal at 5:30. At 6pm they then break off to learn, play, create and grow with Jesus as the center! 

Mission Outreach

At the heart of BCC is God’s heart for the lost- here in our community and around the world.  We have a very active benevolence ministry that is open to the public, have a 24/7 accessible food pantry, host a free Vacation Bible School annually, support H.M.S. & N.M.H.S. staff with sweet treats monthly, support international missionaries, sponsor kids going to camp and participate in the Belfair Christmas Parade to bring the town the true Christmas Story.  We are also always praying about new ways God would have us to share His good news to our neighbors and world. Come share your vision of mission with us!

Helping Hands

We always are praying for leaders and servants to rise up in our midst.  Whatever your passion, we have a place for you to serve- or we will get creative and create a place to utilize your God given talents. We always have a need for more hands helping with Fellowship needs, Children & Youth Ministries, Outreach, Ushering and so much more. We are always eager to hear new ideas of how to improve existing ministries and will always be excited for the help. What’s God put on your heart?